Welcome my pets, It's Goddess Venus and this page is for you to easily get my private, exclusive social media account! The shows I post for my private followers are special and truly intimate, something you get to experience without anyone else around. Imagine a beautiful, sensual voice talking you through the most excitement you felt in your life, your pants are bursting at the seams. But you must follow her commands and make it to the end of her private show to get your prize. A wallet drain and teasing your balls blue with Venus. We can DM, exchange pics & vids and play games for my amusement and joy! Follow the mute swan and enjoy the pink fantasy that is my life, but don’t let this sweet face fool you, it’d be a shame if you ended up punished.
Updates are posted daily. Gifting you with drain games, voice commands and denial for you, stepping on you with my stripper heels in VIP, and leaving you wanting more with my pics and stories. Let's communicate on a whole new level! Sign up NOW!
When you’re honoring goddess within and around you, you can’t help but to admire the divinity that flows through.
It’s almost the weekend. Lay back with your dick up. Cleanse your energy of the week that was. Open your heart to the bliss and destruction ahead of you.
Give thanks and send your tithes $50. 💕🌹